
AidEyeStep is the configuration object passed to the highlight method or the steps array of the start method.

You can configure the popover and the target element for each step.

AidEyeStep Configuration

You can configure the popover globally, or per step. Given below are some of the available configuration options.

elementElement | string

The target element to highlight. This can be a DOM element, or a CSS selector.

If this is a selector, the first matching element will be highlighted.

popoverPopoverThe popover configuration for this step.

AidEyeStep Highlight Hook

Hooks to run before and after highlighting each step.

Each hook receives the following parameters:
  • element - The target DOM element of the step.
  • step - The step object configured for the step.
  • options.config - The current configuration options.
  • options.state - The current state of aidEye.
onHighlightStarted: (element?: Element, step: AidEyeStep, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void
onHighlighted: (element?: Element, step: AidEyeStep, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void
onDeselected: (element?: Element, step: AidEyeStep, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void